Top 10 Takeaways: 13 Ways to Use AI and ChatGPT in Real Estate

Instructor: Marki Lemons Ryhal

1. Create: Creating and sharing content consistently will only help enhance your digital presence. The more content you create and share the more leads you generate and the more leads you generate the more money you make.

2. *Tool*: ChatGPT – AI tools like ChatGPT can help produce consistent content, whether it is a blog post or a video script.

3. Leads: Not only will content generation help you have a digital presence, it can also bring you leads.

4. Systems are the key to lead generation! Without systems in place for lead generation, content creation will not be as effective for you.

5. Leverage Tech: AI can translate content into other languages, create graphics and videos to maximize impact.

6. *Tool*: Midjourney-0 This tool will generate text to image. (Picture or video)

7. Exposure. One of the best ways to get into the palm of potential clients hands is through video.

8. Captions. Be less concerned with the audio of a video, and more concerned with the text transcription since many people consume videos on their mobile device with no sound.

9. *Tool*: Grammarly – Work smarter, not harder. Tools such as Grammarly can prevent any grammatical errors you could make in your content that can hurt credibility.

10. Fear. Don’t allow fear of AI to stop you from reaping its rewards. Chances are, you are already using tools that have AI built into it.


Using AI with Marki Lemons Ryhal

Junior Achievement

January 2024 Greater Lansing Association of REALTORS® Industry Update

January 18, 2024


Thank you to presenters:

-Doug Petroff: 2024 President, Greater Lansing Association of REALTORS®

-Marki Lemons Ryhal, REALTOR®, Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer (CAiO) Keynote Speaker

-Bella Ward, Program Coordinator, Junior Achievement

-Susan Shilton, District Director, Junior Achievement