Properties currently subject to a listing contract and reported to MLS in which the Participant has been directed by the Seller:

  • Listings can only stay in the Coming Soon status for up to 14 days
  • The status will automatically change to Active on the date set by the listing agent in the Coming Soon Authorization Form
  • Clear Cooperation: Properties must be uploaded in the system within 1 day of a signed listing agreement unless marketing the property has begun. Once marketing has begun the listing must be uploaded in the MLS within 1 business day and include a copy of the Coming Soon Authorization Form. Listing Brokers/Agents will be sent a $1000 fine per occurrence for violating this rule.
  • The property is being prepared for showings within the time frame designated in this status and cannot be shown by Seller or Listing Agent per the Coming Soon Authorization Form
  • If the Seller and Listing Agent decide to show the property before the original Active date, the property must be changed to Active Status and have a completed listing change form uploaded to the system BEFORE it is shown
  • The property has NO accepted Agreement of Sale/Lease and cannot go under contract during Coming Soon status
  • Coming Soon will NOT accumulate days on the market
  • All marketing including signs must clearly indicated that the property is Coming Soon and not yet available for showings
  • Open Houses can be scheduled on or after the Active date
  • Listings cannot be moved back to Coming Soon status once they are Active
  • A Listing may not be re-listed in Coming Soon unless the Listing has been off the market more than 90 days; the property is listed with a new Brokerage; or the property has been sold


Coming Soon Cheat Sheet