Use the MINGLE method to strengthen your networking skills.


1. Change your mindset. Networking is a long-term relationship building effort. It is not for a quick, hot lead. (Mindset)
2. Set intentions beforehand. What types of people do you want to meet and how many? (Intention)
3. The two key networking hot spots in a room:
1. People exiting the bar
2. Near the host
4. Always wear a name tag, and wear it on the right. Ask open ended questions to keep a conversation going. (Greet)
5. Use your strengths and weaknesses to your advantage. (Leverage)
Introvert: Arrive early so the group forms around you.
Extrovert: Focus on others and use them to introduce your way into other groups.
6. The TOUCH System will help you make direct connection at least 7 times throughout the year (Engage)
Information above via Laurie Lonsdorf of Rapport Learning Labs LLC