Realist has added a new search field in their property database called the ” Sell Score.” The sell score is a valuable data point that allows agents to search for properties that are likely to become listings.

The sell score is based on the propensity to list model. Properties with a “high” score can signify having higher chances of being listed, due to market conditions, sales data, valuation, and other proprietary CoreLogic data.

Using a ratings ranging from 0-1000, sell score predicts the relative likelihood a property will be listed for sale in the next six months. Users can now search for occupied properties in Realist based on where they fall on the following scale:

Sell Score Ratings and Values:
•    Very High: 831-1000
•    High: 625-830
•    Moderate: 502-624
•    Low: 354-501
•    Very Low: 0-353

Then users may proceed with downloading property detail reports, exporting, or creating mailing labels.


How to Search by Sell Score:

First, access Realist through the MLS menu. Then follow the instructions below:

•    In My Search navigate to Customize Search –> Sales Information –> Sell Score
•    Select Sell Score and add it into search template and click Save or Apply
•    Now navigate to the My Search panel and locate the Sell Score attribute
•    Sell Score attribute can be searched using 1 of 3 search operators:

 Is= to search for properties with a specific sell score (e.g. Is=750)

Is Between=to search for properties with between two values (e.g. Is Between=750 to 800

 Is Greater Than= to search for properties greater than a specific value (e.g. Is Greater Than=750)

For a more detailed walk through, see the video below.

If you have any questions, please reach out to our MLS Department at 517-323-4090.