Manually Add Listing:

Training Video: Manually Add a Listing Video

I. Go to the “My Listings” tab along the top bar of the homepage.

II . Select the blue “+ ADD LISTING” button.

III. Select the agent you are adding the listing for, from the left-hand side of the screen.

IV. Add in the information for Listing Agent, Property Address, (Address Line 2 – if necessary), City, State, and Zip. If you want to be able to assign a lockbox to the listing (from a third party source – Broker Bay, Showing Time, etc.), you MUST add in the MLS number. Everything else is optional.

v. Select “Add Listing” and the changes will save.

Assign Lockbox to Listing

Training Video: ​Assign Lockbox to Listing

Assign Lockbox to Listing

I. From the “Lockboxes” Tab

From the home screen, select “Lockboxes” from the top bar.

From there, use the “Search Field” and “Search Value” to search the lockbox you want to assign to the property.

Select the Lockbox Serial Number of the lockbox you want to assign.

At the top of the screen, next to “Unassigned” choose “Select”.

Select the proper Listing, utilizing the search function, and select “Submit Changes”.

Choose “Save Changes”.

II. From the “My Listings” Tab

From the home screen, select “My Listings” from the top bar.

From the left-hand side of the screen, select the proper agent.

Once you have found the correct agent, and the correct listing, select “Assign Lockbox” in the “Lockbox SN” column.

Search the lockbox serial number, select the proper lockbox, select the date and the region, and choose “Assign Lockbox”.

Add Agent Team

Training Video: ​Add Agent Team

How to Add Agent Teams:

I. Log into the SentriLock homepage, and click the users tab

II. Search the user and then click on their name

III. On the left hand side, select “Account Settings”

IV. On the right hand side, start typing in the name of the person who you are adding to the user’s team. When you start typing their name, it should auto populate in the drop down list

V. Select the correct user, and select the “+” button

VI. Once you select the “+” button you will receive a success message that the user has been sent an agent team request (this will send to their app/website message center)

VII. You will see that the added agent team member has a yellow triangle next to their name, this will remain there until the user verifies that they are to be on an agent team. Before leaving this page, hit the “save” button in the bottom right hand corner.

VIII. Keep in mind: agent teams are automatically reciprocal. Once I add (in my examples) Andrew Bockelman to my team, I will automatically be added to him team as well.

Merge Listing

Training Video: ​Merge Listings

Merge Listings

I. Select the “My Listings” tab along the top bar.

II. Select the User from the left-hand side that has the listings you would like to merge.

III. Select “Merge Listings” in the top right-hand corner, and then select the listings you want to merge, selecting continue when done.

IV. Select the data you would like to keep in the primary listing record and choose “Merge Listings”.

V. The listings will then show as successfully merged

Broker Sharing Explanation

​Broker Sharing Explanation