Top 5 Takeaways- REALTOR® Self Protection

September General Membership Meeting


1. Meet clients in the office for the first time, take documentation of their ID, license plate and vehicle details for ALL.

2. Allow clients to lead the way in showings. Never enter a room or go down the stairs first.

3. Pre-attack indicators include profuse sweating, rapid/shallow breathing, pupil dilation, flared nostrils, trembling hands and knees, flushing and agitation.

4. Those with bad intentions tend to do the following:

-Avoid eye contact
-Fist clenching/pumping
-Hiding their face
-Focusing attention
-Overt/verbal threats
-Body blading

5. Some good self defense tools include a flashlight, a TigerLady claw, oil based pepper spray and the kubotan keychain.